Early Treatment
The American Association of Orthodonists recommends that all children get a check-up with an orthodontic specialist no later than age 7. Here's why:
Orthodontists can spot subtle problems with jaw growth and emerging teeth while some baby teeth are still present.
While your child's teeth may appear to be straight, there could be a problem that only an orthodontist can detect.
The orthodonist may identify a developing problem with your child's bite and, if necessary, begin treatment before future problems arise.
Early treatment may prevent or intercept serious problems and achieve results that may not be possible once the face and jaws have finished growing.
Early treatment may guide jaw growth, lower the risk of trauma to protuded front teeth, correct harmful oral habits, improve appearance, guide permanent teeth into a more favorable position and create a more pleasing arrangement of teeth, lips and face.
Through an early orthodontic evaluation, you'' be giving your child the best opportunity for a healthy, beautiful smile.
Adult Treatment
It's never too late to move healthy teeth.
Today, one orthodontic patient in five is an adult. You're never too old to benefit from orthodontic treatment. No matter what age you are, proper alignment of teeth contributes to your good health and a beautiful smile.
Here are some reasons why correction of orthodontic problems are important to adults:
Can help prevent or improve periodontal problems.
Can help prevent or reduce further bone loss around teeth.
Improves the dentist's ability to restore missing teeth.
Improves aesthetics for a better smile and facial appearance.
Improves the function of teeth.
Improves self-confidence and self-esteem.
Improves oral health.
Smooth, clear, virtually plastic aligners that are custom-made to straighten your teeth without any noticeable, bulky materials.
You can choose amongst two types of braces:
Ceramic Braces
Tooth-colored or clear brackets that blend in with your teeth.
Made of translucent material, ceramic braces are non-staining and are most popular with adult patients, due to their cosmetic appeal
Metal Braces
Made of stainless steel and are the most common braces.
Today's metal braces and smaller and more attractive.